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Winter Views


All potential Board Members must be voting members of Trinity Church, who are in good standing and attend faithfully.  Additionally, they must meet the requirements outlined in our Constitution and Bylaws (below).

Article 5, Section 1-c
All members of the Church Board, and other officers of the church, shall be mature persons full of the Holy Spirit, whose faithfulness shall have been in evidence and whose lives and conduct shall conform to the following Scriptures:

Acts 6:3 - “Now look around yourselves, friends, and select seven men who are well respected and are full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom.  We will put them in charge of this business.”

I Timothy 3:8-12 - “In the same way, deacons must be people who are respected and have integrity.  They must not be heavy drinkers and must not be greedy for money.  They must be committed to the revealed truths of the Christian faith and must live with a clear conscience.  Before they are appointed as deacons, they should be given other responsibilities in the church as a test of their character and ability.  If they do well, then they may serve as deacons.  In the same way, their wives must be respected and must not speak evil of others.  They must exercise self-control and be faithful in everything they do.”


Church Board Nominations 2024

As a non-profit organization, each year we are required to take care of the regular business of the church.  According to our Constitution and Bylaws, changing out Board Members who have completed their terms is one of these annual business operations. 

Voting members are requested to submit names of qualified individuals they would like to nominate to serve on the Church Board.  Names must be submitted in writing,
by Sunday, January 14th, to one of the people serving on the Nomination Committee:  Leslie Bua, Steve Park, Alicia Smith, and Troy Williams.  

Please be in prayer as to who God would have serve on our Church Board. 

Our Annual Business Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, February 18th, after the morning service.  All voting members are requested to be present at this meeting.  We will review last year; vote to fill vacant Board Member terms; and briefly discuss any other pertinent information.  Your time is valuable to us, so we strive to make this meeting short and efficient.


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