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It takes a lot of volunteers each week to keep EYC running.  We always need adult volunteers to help with manning the snack bar, monitoring students, and cleaning up each weekday.


Volunteers are required to complete the following:
• Volunteer Application Form

• Online Mandated Reporter Training (admin-level)

• Review and sign Trinity Church’s Children’s/Youth Protection Policy

• Provide names and information for personal reference checks​

• Background Check (Fingerprinting)
• A brief interview

If you are interested in volunteering at Escalon Youth Center, please contact Brenda Davis at 209.495.3861 to start the application and background check process.

The Escalon Youth Center is a safe place for teenagers in Escalon. It is available for students in middle school and high school, and is open Monday through Friday during lunch and after school.  Closing time is typically 6:00 PM.


Escalon Youth Center is set up with pool tables, a ping pong table, gaming systems, couches and chairs where students can hang out and be comfortable, corn hole boards, some musical instruments, sets of bistro tables, and so much more.  All of this is FREE for students.  There is no charge for entry.  The youth center does not require students to check in and out. They are welcome to come and go as they please.

A simple snack bar is also available for students to purchase beverages, packaged snacks, and a few heated food items.

Madison Lovins and Angela Johnson serve as managers at EYC each week. We have a number of volunteers who come in to work the snack bar, help with projects, and supervise students.  A good number of them are senior citizens from our church, other Escalon churches, and members of the community who want to make themselves available to impact the lives of students in our town.  We always have room for more adult volunteers.

Escalon Youth Center is owned by Trinity Church, which manages this site as a ministry to the town of Escalon.  It is funded by members of Trinity Church, many other churches in town, local clubs, as well as by personal donations.  We are blessed to have many people partner with us.  These generous donations keep this ministry up and running.


Located at:

1328 Escalon Avenue, Escalon, California

EYC Managers 2024.heic


Donations for the Escalon Youth Center must be made payable to TRINITY CHURCH.  Please note "EYC" or "Escalon Youth Center" on the memo line to be sure your contribution goes directly to the youth center account.   Donations should be mailed to:  Trinity Church / Attention: EYC / 1900 California Street / Escalon, CA 95320.

If you prefer the Text to Give option, please text "trinitychurch youthcenter" (note the spacing between words) to 73256.

The Backstory of Escalon Youth Center

The Escalon Youth Center is a story of redemption.  Every part of it was orchestrated by God.  It started in September of 2013, when God placed a dream in the heart of Pastor Jim Davis.  Pastor Jim said that God showed him a mental picture of the old Escalon Motel and He revealed that it was to be used for ministry to students in our community - a safe place for them to hang out and be mentored. 

In the years preceding this date, the Escalon Motel had become a rundown property which was originally intended for temporary housing, but was being used for permanent housing.  The premises became dilapidated over time.  Drug sales and use, prostitution, and the like were common occurrences on the property - located just across the street from Escalon High School's parking lot.  Eventually code violations accrued and were not brought into compliance, so the city was forced to shut down the business.


Jim started pursuing information on the vacant property immediately after God laid the vision on his heart, but he found that it had just been sold at an auction.  A few months later the property was up for sale again, so Jim attempted to contact the property owner.  Pastor Jim's youngest daughter called him one day to tell him someone was out looking at the property, so Jim hopped in his car and drove down to the site.  Sure enough, the owner, Sammy, was showing the property to potential buyers.  Most of the buildings had been boarded up, and the boards had to be pried off of the entrances to give a view to the obscenely disheveled interior.  Jim cautiously approached Sammy and gave him a description of what he felt God had placed on his heart, gave him his business card, then politely dismissed himself and returned to the church office. About 30 minutes later, Pastor Jim received a phone call from Sammy, stating that he had turned down a full-price offer on the property from the potential buyers and would be interested in selling the property to the church to use for a youth center . . . at a reduced price! 


And so it started . . .


In February 2014, the membership of Trinity Church voted unanimously to purchase the property.  Pastor Jim was quick to warn them that this was not an "investment" for the church, but rather a ministry to our town that would be an ongoing "money pit."  He told them they would be investing in lives and would not see the return on the investment most days - and certainly not in a financial way.  Sammy agreed to wait for this membership meeting to take place, and then he patiently waited for Trinity Church to acquire their funds from an investment account to complete the purchase agreement.  On March 30, 2014, Trinity Church became the new owners of the Escalon Motel - a dilapidated property with a unsavory past.  

It took some time for conditional use permits to be completed and approved.  In the meantime, groups of people (including the Escalon Fire Department) came and assisted in the removal of discarded belongings, old mattresses, drug paraphernalia, and the like.  "Coming Soon" signs were placed on the property and tentative building plans were drawn up. 


Once the proper paperwork was in place, demolition of one full building was completed, as it was not salvageable.  Later, demolition of 3/4 of the longer building was completed.  A new foundation was laid in its place.  New walls were framed and ceiling joists were erected.  And soon, the skeleton of the new Escalon Youth Center was becoming visible, rising from the ashes of the previous building. Donations of expertise, labor, resources, money, and supplies were given generously to aid in the project!  A team of retired, skilled volunteers (previously known as M.A.P.S. from the Assemblies of God) was on site for much of the construction process and was an enormous blessing to us.   We are indebted to them for all they gave.  

Escalon Youth Center's grand opening was held on August 13, 2016, and the membership of Trinity Church gave thanks to God for all He had accomplished.

Today, at the location in our town that was once notorious for all things broken, stands a beautiful building built with love. It’s called the Escalon Youth Center. It is a place used for God’s glory; a place designed specifically to minister to the young people in our town. It is the perfect story of God’s redemption. The church leadership and team God has put in place to manage the daily activity there is incredible, and they love EYC dearly.  We have a number of volunteers who come in to work the snack bar, help with projects, and supervise students. A good portion of this volunteer crew are seniors from our church and community looking for a way to serve. Other churches, clubs, and organizations in our tiny town have partnered with us, rallying around EYC and giving generous donations to help it operate. They love seeing their young people have a safe place to go during lunchtime or after school, a place where people will speak into their lives and encourage them to take a better road.

Many people have a hard time believing that EYC is offered to the teenagers of our town free of charge, but it’s totally true, I assure you! With the exception of the food in the snack bar and other special events, there is never a charge for their time there.

Pastor Jim Davis passed away from brain cancer in September of 2018, but the legacy of the beautiful vision God placed on his heart remains intact.  It was a vision given and orchestrated by God.  It serves as His love note to our little community and reminder of His power to redeem what was once lost and broken.


1900 California Street

Escalon, CA 95320

(209) 838.3000



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