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Women's Ministries

This ministry is intended to minister to the ladies of our community and church family in a meaningful way. We desire to help meet spiritual, emotional, and material needs of today's women. Our goals are to provide opportunity to study the Word of God, meet women of like-mind, and raise funds to support local and world missions.



We do our best each year to provide retreat for the women of our church and their friends/family.  This is a time to get away together; study God's Word; fellowship with other men; and form bonds that help us navigate life together as Christian women.  

We like to take a group of women each year to attend the annual Sweet Life Conference, hosted by the Assemblies of God NorCal-Nevada District.  This is usually held in March of each year.  Watch for information about dates, cost, and other important details as we get closer to March.

If you have questions about Women's Ministries,

please contact or church office at 209.838.3000.


Ladies’ Bible Brunch meets each Thursday at 9:30 AM for a light brunch, prayer, fellowship, and time in God’s Word. We meet in the Activity Center. The study facilitator is  Gwen Cook (209.768. 6573).


Our Monday night Ladies' Evening Bible Study is held at Dana Corbin's home - 18900 North Ripon Road, Ripon.   All ladies are invited to attend.  Please contact Dana Corbin (209.988.8759) for more information.

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