U.S. & Foreign Missions
Trinity Church supports 19 missionaries around the world on a monthly basis, as well as 11 other missions-oriented organizations/ministries throughout the year. We strongly believe that in order to reach our world, we must stretch our hands and finances outside our four walls. We want to reach people from all different backgrounds and walks of life. Scripture tells us to "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to everyone." We may not all have the chance to go into the world or around the world, but, we can do our part by supporting missions and being obedient to God's direction in our lives. We invite you to join us in reaching the world for Christ! Faith Promise Pledge Cards can be completed and turned in at anytime throughout the year. Your monthly giving to missions helps us to continue our monthly financial support to our misisonaries.
With the help of God, we were recently able to raise $5,000 through donations and sales of bottled water,. These funds will be used to help build a well for a community in Africa through AGWM Africa Oasis Project. We are so thankful for each person who participated to make this possible.
In the 2007, 2008, and 2009, 2012 a missions teams from Trinity Church traveled to Fiji, Ukraine, Argentina, and Baja Mexico for Construction Missions Trips. We plan to participate in more of these types of missions trips in the near future. Proceeds from our water bottle sales are now going towards our Missions Trip Fund. Thanks in advance for your support!
Men's Ministries
As men, we face a different challenge in the world and it's nice to be able to get together and talk about different victories, concerns, and difficulties. As we continue to see God do wonderful things in the church, we are also excited about the great things He is doing in our lives as men. If you haven't been to a men's function yet, we encourage you to attend.
Some of our events include:
Bible Study twice a month at Escalon Youth Center (1st and 3rd Wednesday)
Day Trips and Men's Seminars
Annual Retreat (as possible)
Escalon Park Fete Fundraiser (July)
Women's Ministries
This ministry is intended to minister to the ladies of our community and church family in a meaningful way. We desire to help meet spirtual, emotional, and material needs of today's women. Our goals are to provide opportunity to study the Word of God, meet women of like-mind, and raise funds to support local and world missions.
Some of our events include:
Ladies' Bible Study Groups - on Tuesday Nights and Thursday mornings (September through May)
Escalon Park Fete (July) & Annual Yard Sale Fundraisers (May)
Day Seminars
Ladies' Night Out
Special Events
Youth Ministries (6th to 12th Grade)
Soul Patrol Youth Ministries meets in the Activity Center on Tuesday nights starting at 7 PM. To start off the night, we offer a snack bar and many group-based activities, including a pool table, fooseball, and video games. For the service, we offer a time for the students to get closer to God through worship, as well as a way to practically apply the Bible to their everyday life. Pastor Arney and Dana Corbin are assisted by a handful of adult leaders who want to see the youth of Escalon serving God.
Some of our events include:
Youth Convention with the A/G Northern California - Nevada District
Winter Camp
Day Trips
Outreach Projects
Youth Pastors: Arney and Dana Corbin
Children's Ministries (Ages 0-12)
Children's Ministries strives to educate the children of today . . . as they are the church of tomorrow. Our staff of volunteers work diligently at teaching God's Word during Sunday School, Nursery, Preschool Church, and Kids Church, as well as through extracurricular activities.
We'd love to have your children join us during Sunday School and all other events geared toward children.
"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it . . ." Proverbs 22:6
Curriculum Coordinator: Julie Marconett